KOKESHI - The "Wooden Small Doll" of Japan.

Thanks for stopping by. I hope you enjoy your time here. Kokeshi dolls are my passion, specifically, making them! I make and sell very unique, customized Kokeshi Dolls. Please feel free to contact me at any time for further info about anything you see here.

If you like, go to http://woodluv.fa-ct.com/ and check out my other web site. It's older now, but it still shows some of my previous work, to give ideas.

And I have a new blog dedicated to my Pyrography Portraits, so if your interested in portrait art, go to:


Saturday, February 11, 2012

Jack Russel Terrier and Flowers!

Jack Russell Terrier, indeed! He is the dearly loved companion for a wonderful lady. Her daughter called me asking if I could make a custom doll for her for her birthday one week later! The lady used to be a florist and loves gardening and flowers, and her puppy dog, of course. So after some discussion and thought...here's what came into being.

This Kokeshi Doll is 5" tall, which made her a nice size for all the extra little details.  She is now in my favourites category, for sure!

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